Almost seven million square kilometers form the Amazon in nine South American countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.
Cradle of the greatest biodiversity in a tropical rainforest in the world, the Amazon attracts tourists from all over the planet, offering charms that only nature can reveal. Thousands of species of fauna and flora can be found on this special piece of land that corresponds to almost 50% of the whole country.
The adventure in the Amazon jungle can be permanent since there are lodges in the middle of the forest. Fishing and exclusive trails through the forest can be accessed directly from the hotel, on a boat trip from Manaus, capital of the State of Amazonas.
The fascinations that surround the nature include visitation to indigenous tribes and the possibility of staying overnight in boats, anchored to the Amazon river. For the more demanding with comfort, there is an option of cruises in luxurious boats, from where you can see lovely pink dolphins and alligators along the rivers Negro, Cuieiras and Ariaú.
Known as the tree of life or queen of the forest, one of the species of flora that draws the most attention in the forest is the sumaumeira. The giant tree reaches 60m in height, equivalent to a 20 buildings. The base circumference reaches more than 20m and its crowns form an “umbrella” that exceeds 100m in diameter.
Among the highlights of the fauna are the jaguar (jaguar); suçuarana (puma); airuvê (manatee); Anta (the largest terrestrial animal in South America); capybara (the largest rodent in the world); amana (red-boto); tucuxi (boto-gray); ariranha; uacari-white and sauim-de-coleira. Also in the Amazon is possible to check the largest freshwater fish in the world, the pirarucu. Frighteningly gigantic species inhabit this special little piece of the planet, such as the contorting sucker (anaconda), which exceeds 10 meters; alligator; and the jiboia; besides the poisonous surucucu-pico-de-jaca; alligator-tinga; Amazon tortoise.
The species of birds do not let less in the matter to impress the visitors. One of them is the hawk-real, also called magnificent uiraçu. From end to end, its wings reach two meters in length, which gives it the title of the largest species of prey on the planet, the “absolute lord of the skies of the Amazon.”